Feminism and women’s rights date back to the suffragette movement that flags the first wave of feminism. The movement is marked with strong thoughts aimed at channeling women towards the fight for equality- in the domain of right to vote, marriage, and legal issues.
Now, a century later, a suffragette pamphlet giving seemingly ‘absurd’ marriage advice to young ladies has gone viral.

Quick history lesson: Suffragette was a movement to fight for women’s right to vote started in the early 20th century.

So, women thank these suffregetes that we’re able to vote today.
Coming from this defensive position, there were pamphlets published to educate and spread awareness about gender equality.

One such pamphlet from the year 1918 on display at the Pontypridd Museum in Wales is going viral now, according to Bored Panda.
The first advice that the pamphlet offers is don’t get married at all…

Then it goes on to say that if you haaave to get married then look for a ‘tame man’ and ‘don’t expect too much’.
Of course, in 2019 we know better than to compartmentalise masculinity in the boxes of ‘tame’ and such, which entails problematic connotations of ridiculing men.

Suffragettes knew it all along. ‘It’s not worth the risk’.

This brutally honest marriage advice still holds true. At least that’s what the women in the comments section are saying.