Terrible air quality is not only harmful for our lungs, according to a recent study it’s also affecting our ovaries by decreasing the number of viable eggs.

Having a high AMH is in some way a reproductive advantage because women with a higher AMH are going to have a longer reproductive lifespan,” he said, adding it was also significant to those undergoing.

He further added,
Envrironmental aspects of or lives matter so we should take care about indoor environments as well as external.
The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. The research involved observing AMH levels in about 1,300 women, the samples were collected in Modena between early 2007 and autumn 2017. The team estimated daily levels of nitrogen dioxide and small particulates.

Considering the air quality of the mega cities that we live in, after giving us a life-time of respiratory disorders, the polluted air is now slowly chocking our ovarian eggs.