Aisha Chaudhary, the 19-year-old who lost her life to pulmonary fibrosis in 2015 has been an inspiration to countless people around the world. This young girl’s remarkable journey and struggle against her illness, inspired Priyanka Chopra’s latest film, The Sky Is Pink. Her book, My Little Epiphanies, that released just a day before she passed away, formed the founation of the film and retold her story of finding happiness in everything around her.
In her TED talk, which Aisha gave in 2014, she speaks about how the idea of death looms around her but it doesn’t stop her from living her life. From finding happiness in every adventure she takes in life, to finding humour even during her hospital visits, Aisha’s words will touch a cord in your heart.
Aisha admitted that her illness scared her, but it also encouraged her to explore all that she could.
Her words are truly an inspiration. Watch her complete TED Talk here: