Equality is a shape-shifter when it comes to gender. In today’s world, when we put an empowered man side by side an empowered woman, the differences are unnerving. With the menace of inequality eating into the fabric of society, men and women are draped with the same fabric -differently. But what happens when there are no differences? Ever wondered what will the world look like then?
That’s why, here are 7 good ways in which the world will change if there was gender equality.
1. Marriages would be equal.
Often in marriages, the onus eventually lies on the woman of the house to do certain tasks. Sooner or later, the upkeep of the household gets divided solely based on gender. The man is seen as the bread-winner, where the woman is expected to look after the house and children. This wouldn’t happen if we didn’t segregated tasks based on gender.
2. Women wouldn’t have to be “protected.”
We’ve grown up reading and watching fairytales with the damsel in distress, hoping and praying to be rescued by her knight in shining amour. In a world where women are meant to be “protected” men on the other hand have to step up and ”protect” the women. Which is wrong on so many levels and it would be great if this didn’t exist!
3. Women would stand up for women more.
The secret to women empowerement is women! It goes without saying that at times, women, in a bid to be heard and seen lose track of their sisters. But if the world was equal, they’d be more women standing up for each other. They’d be more of everyone standing up for everyone!
4. Sports would never be distinguished by gender.
One of the several things that irk me where gender equality is concerned, is the term “women’s sports” Why does it even exist? And if it absolutely needs to, can we also call certain sports “Men’s sports?”
5.They’d be no gender pay gap.
It is real, and it is a menace. If there was equality, they’d be no gender pay gaps! Imagine living in a world where women and men are paid equally for the same job. Where one’s gender will not pre-determine the capability of a person, monetarily or otherwise.
6. Stereotypes based solely on gender wouldn’t exist.
Blue is for boys, pink is for girls. How about they’re both just colours and have nothing to do with gender? Wouldn’t it be nice to teach young boys and girls that they can wear, play, and like any colour in the rainbow? (geddit?) A woman can love to ride a bike, and a man can love makeup. Neither of these things make either of them “less of” or “more of.”
7. Relationships wouldn’t come with stereotypical expectations.
From the first date itself, a man would never feel the ‘need’ to pay for the woman. With the woman never expecting the man to pay for dinner. If there was truly gender equality, relationships would be equal and free of pre-determined stereotypes and expectations. And isn’t that what we should strive for?
To top it all, Vivel’s newest video stands testimony to gender equality and empowerment of women in society. A curated video highlighting the idea of #AbSamjhautaNahin and the learning about our society brought to life through the artworks of 8 brilliant artists. This Women’s Equality Day, Vivel has brought together artists from across the nation giving them a platform to share powerful, culturally relevant artworks, promoting equality, as well as inspiring women to say #AbSamjhuataNahin!
Also, don’t forget to check out the video below and visit Vivel’s Instagram to get inspired!