This year, Celebrity Chef Vikas Khanna celebrated Eid with a gesture that’ll warm even the coldest of hearts – because he celebrated it with a family that had saved his life during the 1992 riots in Mumbai.

Vikas Khanna was working as a trainee at the time the Mumbai 1992 riots took place.

When he heard the news that houses in Ghatkopar had been set on fire, he set out to inquire about his brother, who lived in the area. 

As he searched the area, a Muslim family took him in to save him from an incoming mob. In fact, the mob even questioned the family, but the father declared Vikas to be his son.

Not only did the family shelter Vikas for two days, they also sent out a member to inquire about his brother, to reassure him of his well-being. 


Since 1992, touched by this gesture, Vikas Khanna had been keeping one day of fast during Ramzan, every year, in honour of the family. 

Indian Express

Finally, after 26 years, he was reconnected with the family. 

When all else fails, these small but significant instances keep our flickering faith in humanity alive.