Even in the midst of all of the tension between our two nations, nothing like a little food and coffee to bring people together. Right? Well, that’s probably the idea behind this Pakistani Starbucks parody cafe.

Sattar Buksh is a charming little place in Karachi with some yummy looking titbits on offer. They brought a ‘gora franchise’ home and made it their own.

On their long list of food, beverages and hookahs Sattar Buksh has, hides a little tongue-in-cheek joke for all of us, over in India. It’s called the ‘LOC Pizza’ and it’s half beef, half veg.

Hah! We see what you did there.
And let’s just say, just like the toppings on that pizza, most of us just wish that Indians and Pakistanis soon find a way to coexist peacefully, no matter how different we are.
Although in all fairness, we may not be very different, y’know. ‘Cause guess what, people on this side of the border love pizza just as much!
Find out more about Sattar Buksh here:
So, India? I know we’ve got plenty of Starbucks shops here, but what say you to a ‘Sitara Bakshi’ of our own? Let’s parody their parody! *smirk*