BBC just released the second trailer of its new documentary series Dynasties and honestly, we are blown away.

The series is directed by Sir David Attenborough, and will show the footage collected from cameras, which have followed 5 species of endangered animals, for years.

It will show the power dynamics and complex relationships between tigers, lions, hunting dogs, emperor penguins and chimpanzees.

Describing the series, BBC said:
(It is) An intense portrayal of the lives of these animals as they unfold, day-by-day, hour-by-hour, where the tiniest incident may end up having a huge consequence on their future. Their chances of success depend on their own strength of character, their choices and on luck. But these animals do not operate alone – their success or failure will also hinge on how they work with, or against, their own families.

The series, which has been shot over 4 effing years, will be presented by Attenborough itself.

You can watch the mind-blowing trailer, here:
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