Ever had trouble telling two homologous words? Got confused between similar sounding words and said one instead of the other? Well we’ve all been there and done that, and probably had many correct for us words that should not go wrong in an adult’s world. But what if there’s a child who could spell words you did not know existed?

Yeah, we’re not the only ones surprised. We came across this old video of an Indian American kid, taking everyone by surprise by spelling a word, that most of us will find hard even to pronounce. Steve Harvey challenged a six-year-old spelling genius and later regretted it. This is a burn he won’t soon forget soon because here was a child who spelled words that people he didn’t even know existed. 


Akash Vukoti Took Harvey by more than just surprise. He did not even know there was one such word in existence.


What was the word, you might wonder. Well, see for yourself.

And this Indian boy sure won our hearts and made the country so proud! Kudos, Akash! Watch the full video here.
