Many great things can be said about her but the one that stands out the most apart from her achievements is that she is a woman of simple values.
In a world where materialism dictates all, simplicity is an art! And Infosys chairperson, Sudha Murthy does it flawlessly.

A business icon who swears by simplicity, Sudha Murty has constantly inspired millions to reach for the stars.

Unlike the rich and famous, she doesn’t clad herself in fancy attire and jewellery. Instead she has a whole different approach to materialism and it is that she doesn’t require it in her life.

So, it comes as no surprise that a woman who’s always seen donning simple sarees has not bought a single one in the last 21 years. The reason behind it is selfless and something we should all take some learning from.
I was in Kashi to take the holy dip, and when you go to Kashi you have to give up something that you enjoy the most. I gave up shopping, particularly sarees, from thereon. I now only buy the essential items.

In a world where materialism plays a significant role, especially for the people who can afford the finer things in life, this is a great example of how we don’t need worldly things to make us happy.

According to Sudha Murthy, taking this vow rid her of things she didn’t require in life and it gave her a sense of freedom.
And she was lucky enough to find a man who shares the same values as her and together they made Infosys what it is today.

Being a writer herself, the only thing she and her husband spend lavishly on is – books! The couple has an enormous collection of over 20,000 books sorted out in two libraries.
And, on her 70th birthday, she announced her latest collection of short stories, “Grandparents’ Bag of Stories”, that will feature 20 stories.

But she also believes in not lending books to others. She feels that people should be encouraged to buy books instead of borrowing them. She remarks the only way writers will survive is if people buy their books, not borrow them.

She’s often faced prejudice for the way she chooses to live her life, especially in the way she dresses. Sudha Murthy was once called ‘cattle class’ at the airport by an ignorant passenger who derided her for standing in the business class queue.
She, of course, gave them a piece of her mind
‘You refer to the term “cattle class”. Class does not mean possession of a huge amount of money. There are plenty of wrong ways to earn money in this world. You may be rich enough to buy comfort and luxuries, but the same money doesn’t define class or give you the ability to purchase it.
A person’s worth is not determined by what they choose to look like but instead, what they believe in and do about it.
To be at this level and showcase such humility is something to bow down to!