After BCCI president Sourav Ganguly had said that the women’s IPL would be held in 2023, there was nothing but a lot of excitement – a very “it’s finally happening” moment, to say the very least. The BCCI had suggested expansion of Women’s T20 Challenge to 7 or 8 teams in 2022. There were also suggestions to add a fourth team in the 2021 season, except it was cancelled, given the pandemic.

Sourav Ganguly Women's IPL
Source: The Statesman

However, BCCI has set reportedly set aside a period during March 2023 for the inaugural of Women’s IPL – this means adjustment to the domestic calendar to accommodate the IPL. Earlier this year, Sourav Ganguly had also confirmed that the preparations were in full-swing to have a full-fledged WIPL.

We are at the level of formulation to have a full-fledged WIPL. It is certainly going to happen,” he had said. “I strongly believe that next year i.e. 2023 will be a very good time to start a full-fledged women’s IPL which will be as big and grand a success as men’s IPL.

Certainly, this brings a lot of hope for the future of Women’s Cricket in the country. And Twitter is already looking forward.

People are looking at it as a ‘revolution’, and let’s just say – fingers crossed.