Coach of the Indian Men’s cricket team Ravi Shastri has finally addressed the social media trolling he is often at the receiving end of. After India’s win over England in the 3rd Test, Shastri went on camera for an interview and addressed the general assumption that he is quite fond of alcoholic beverages.
Shastri chalked it up to just good banter that even though it is at his expense, he was okay with it. He even asked people to have a drink in his name and keep posting these memes as they make people laugh.
.@RaviShastriOfc reacts to his memes doing the rounds 😄 #INDvENG
— ESPNcricinfo (@ESPNcricinfo) March 7, 2021
Twitter has also hailed Shastri for taking the joke in its stride and being so chill about it.
Looooool 😂😂😂😂 Enjoy the nimbu pani @RaviShastriOfc
— UJ Roy (@UnitedRoy_) March 8, 2021
Thanks for building a world dominating India team
Say whatever you want to but @RaviShastriOfc is such a sport!!!
— Arya Prakhar (@_arya_prakhar) March 8, 2021
Always positive.
He speaks like @apnabhidu #jackyshastri
— Vishal 🆗 (@WeShallPai) March 7, 2021
That’s the ‘spirit’ ☺️☺️
— Goodfella (@LabyrinthAshish) March 7, 2021
@RaviShastriOfc Sir you are an attitude. 🙏
— Apoorv (@aalisswell) March 7, 2021
Shastri had earlier also shown this spirit when he has been tagged in his own memes.
Love the banter ! Feels good to bring some smiles in these tough times 🙌🏻
— Ravi Shastri (@RaviShastriOfc) February 27, 2021
If there was ever a time he was gonna be chill about it, this is probably that time. India’s winning everything and everywhere they go and Shastri definitely has played a huge role in that.