Rafael Nadal is one of the fiercest competitors on a tennis court. When he is in his element, there’s nothing that can throw him off his game. But he is also one of the nicest guys on the tour.


And once again, he showed his softhearted side on the tennis court when he halted a tennis match midway, because a mother in the audience had lost her child in the crowd. Rafa was playing an exhibition doubles match with Simon Solbas against John McEnroe and Carlos Moya at his hometown of Majorca, when the incident happened. He was about to serve when a commotion broke out in the crowd.

The TV footage showed a distraught mother who had lost her child along with a steward trying to help her. She was in tears and was shouting her daughter’s name out loud.

Nadal immediately diverted his attention from the match towards the mother, sparking a court-wide search for her daughter. 

And thankfully, it did not take long before the child was spotted. The crowd applauded as the mother had a tearful reunion with her daughter. Watch the video of the heartwarming moment here. 

Rafa was seen smiling at the end of it all and went on to win the match 3-6, 6-3, 10-8 with his partner. 

And he proved once again why he is one of the most loved players on the tennis circuit.