Having sex with your partner should be fun mutually. And if it’s another way around, you better talk about it. With so much pleasure around, not everything may give orgasms.
Some things may hurt your partner instead of driving them crazy. No matter what, don’t hesitate to communicate. It only adds more to the pleasure.
And women are finally talking about things that they don’t want their partners to do in bed. Men, assemble! & take notes.
1. “Guys when you’re fingering a girl you don’t just spear her like a god damn animal. You curl your fingers and do a “come hither” motion. Going in and out doesn’t really do much. This is one of the most awkward things to correct and almost no one does it right. I think if I met a guy who could finger me properly I’d marry him.”
Answer Source – Reddit
2. “Rubbing my clit after I’ve orgasmed. That shit hurts. If I tell you, don’t touch it. I mean it. I’m not just being coy and cute. It fucking hurts.”
Answer Source – Reddit
3. “Immediately pull off my clothes and insert the dick. Just because you are hard doesn’t mean I’m magically turned on. I need a few minutes to become lubricated! Try some kissing, touching with clothes on, slowly taking clothes off, etc. I need foreplay too, and no your dick hitting my clit right before insert doesn’t count!”
Answer Source – Reddit
4. “Don’t drag my head down when you want a blow job. Use your words, please.”
Answer Source – Reddit
5. “Don’t rub my clitoris like you are scratching off a scratch card. Also please don’t squeeze my tits super hard, yes they are attached. And while I’m here, if you finish before me, at least have the decency to help me finish too.”
Answer Source – Reddit
6. “Pull my hair from the end instead of the scalp. Difference between mmmm and ow!”
Answer Source – Reddit
7. “I cannot stand it when my boyfriend tries to make me deep throat harder than I actually can, when he puts his hand on the back of my head kinda forcing it closer and closer, ya know what I mean? Like dude, do you WANT puke all over your dick?”
Answer Source – Reddit
8. “Most of the men I’ve been with don’t really ever take their time with foreplay. It’s like they don’t realize how important this is. They just want to go straight to pounding. Like I have had to tell my boyfriend to slow down numerous times because he will just rub me for like a few seconds then want to whip his dick in.”
Answer Source – Reddit
9. “When I’m just about to cum, like literally a second away, please don’t change what you are doing. Don’t suddenly change speed or technique. Just keep doing EXACTLY what you were doing. The amount of times this has happened to me, and it changes a potentially mind-blowing orgasm into a Merh one.”
Answer Source – Reddit
10. “I remember when a female friend of mine told me she hated her boyfriend for showing arrogance in bed basically told her with the number of females he slept with. So I would reckon that.”
Answer Source – Reddit
11. “The classic “once he’s done it’s all over” flop, leaving her hanging. Sure, you’re knackered, but try mustering that last little bit of energy to do something for her.”
Answer Source – Reddit
12. “My biggest peeve over the years has been finding grit/dirt/crumbs in the bed because he sat on it with shoes on, ate peanuts, or perhaps whittled small chess set from splintery wood. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. I just got to sleep in the uncomfortable aftermath.”
Answer Source – Reddit
13. “Ignores me saying that I want to fuck all night till right before I’m falling asleep and have to be up at 4 AM, then he wants to have sex.”
Answer Source – Reddit
14. “Please don’t cum in my hair on a weeknight. I’m likely up late boning you, so I don’t want to wake up early enough to wash my hair before I go to work.”
Answer Source – Reddit
15. “That dick-tapping on the vulva you always see in porn. As with everything, I’m sure some women like it. But it’s just so awkward and doesn’t do anything to me.”
Answer Source – Reddit
16. “Guys that don’t take off their shirts during sex. Why? It’s uncomfortable it gets sweaty and it’s not sexy. Why would you do all that to not be naked from the waist up? I get that some people are self-conscious but again I found you attractive enough to sleep with you so just take the damn shirt off.”
Answer Source – Reddit
17. “Come for me baby Just because you say it doesn’t mean I can flick a switch and just cum. That shit takes concentration. Like, if you wanna say it, cool. Just say it AS I’m cumming and we’re golden.”
Answer Source – Reddit
18. “Don’t try to wake me up by poking me with your dick. It NEVER puts me in the mood.”
Answer Source – Reddit
19. “I know it’s sweet, but holding on to me when I have to get up can sometimes be annoying. I have to leave earlier to get to my job, so having to untangle myself from heavy limbs can sometimes be a challenge.”
Answer Source – Reddit
20.”I love my nipples being touched/rubbed over clothing and bare, but I’m actually a huge not-fan of them being sucked. I’m not even particularly vanilla, but I just feel like you’re a baby and trying to nurse, and it doesn’t feel good?! And it’s always too hard. I’ve never once had someone be gentle enough. Every partner I’ve had has been into that, and I’ll happily put up with a little of it, but not if you’re going to hurt me.”
Answer Source – Reddit
21. “Switching it up too much to try every porno position you’ve ever watched. That stuff is for camera angles and isn’t comfortable. If there’s good groove going just do that for a while.”
Answer Source – Reddit
22. “Insist on giving oral after I state that I don’t like it. I don’t care how good you are at it or how well it usually works.”
Answer Source – Reddit
23. “Don’t go ass to the vagina. Not with your penis, fingers, toys, anything ever. That’s the number one way for a woman to get a UTI.”
Answer Source – Reddit
24. “Mentioning anything about daddy. It kills the mood instantly.”
Answer Source – Reddit
25. “Don’t call it “seed”. It literally makes me feel sick, it sounds super gross. I stopped seeing a guy cuz he called it that when we sexted.”
Answer Source – Reddit
Talk about things that don’t work!