Someone had once said love is the greatest gift one person can give another. That ‘someone’ probably avoided the part after the breakup, because all you’re left with is a void that goes so deep, you need to climb for… a long time to get out of it.
People have different ways of moving on after a split. Some drown their feelings in labeled glass bottles, some write pretty sad poetry, and then there’s the odd story about sleeping with the best friend. But, save yourself all that drama, and just go for a gift that’ll tell your ex that you’re over them.
Here’s a list of the worst, or should we say best, gifts for your ex:
1. The ‘Ouch!’ series by Cupick.
He will most probably find this poster funny, until you ask him how the mirror you gave him is doing.
Buy it here.

2. ‘OK Tata Bye Bye’ Bag-tag by Happily Unmarried
Baggage needs a bag-tag. And please let them figure it out, slow as it might be, on their own.
Buy it here.

3. ‘Spend Some Time Alone With This Body Wash’ body wash by Happily Unmarried
Let their self confidence burst with each bubble that erupts with every drop from the shower. It may clean their bodies, but you know it’s only going to leave a shine around the hole in their soul.
Buy it here.

4. ‘Tumse Na Ho Payega’ Notebook by Happily Unmarried
Think of all the bullshit you’ve taken. Because, it may just make you send them an extra piece of one of these. It’s just an unhealthy reminder to your ex, that life will not be the same without you.
Buy it here.

5. ‘Stupid People’ poster by Postergully
Ask them to stick it on the inside of their bedroom door.
Pros: You will never see them again.
Cons: If they are that stupid, their neighbours will complain of a strange smell in the building.
Buy it here.

6. The ‘I Don’t Quit, I Ruin The Game For Everyone!’ notebook by Staybuzzy
They say, never judge a book by it’s cover. It’s not true. Well at least for most people. It’s safe to say that this book will paper-cut its way through their fleshy ego.
Buy it here.

7. The ‘Zindagi Ka Suffer’ baggage tag by Happily Unmarried
There’s nothing like a playful gift that follows your ex wherever they go. In this case, it’s gift that works more like a siren than a conversation starter.
Buy it here.

8. This ‘Emotional Baggage’ bag by The Souled Store
Let’s face it. This bag isn’t big enough for your ex, if you know what I mean. But it works, because it’s another bag to add to their baggage. Just that this time, you don’t need carrying it.
Buy it here.

9. This ‘Go Fun Yourself’ t-shirt by Bewakoof
It may not seem that mean, until your ex realises that they have only themselves to have fun with.
Buy it here.

10. The ‘Chall Hatt Free Hain Tu’ iPhone case by Madanyu
If you ever want to tell someone they are worth nothing to you, without using the usual Fs and Bs, there’s nothing more powerful than using a four-letter word that, ironically, begins with the letter ‘F’.
Buy it here.

11. The ‘Where Are My F@#ks To Give’ notebook at ScoopWhoop Shop
If the most powerful microscope in the world can’t detect the molecular amount of how much you give a shit about your ex, then this gift will do the job.
Buy it here.

12. The Death Boyfriend T-shirt at Bewakoof
She will never get laid with this shirt on.
Buy it here.

13. The ‘Pretty Good at Bad Decisions’ handbag by The Souled Store
You wouldn’t be reading this if they made good decisions.
So, just buy it here.

14. ‘Mixed Feelings’ tee by Bewakoof
Because nothing is ever black or white. It’s always a dirty shade of grey.
Buy it here.

15. A customisable Nutella bottle from Giftsvilla
If they like chocolate, gift them this customisable jar with anything written on it. Anything. Like, for instance, take a wild guess, what looks , chocolicious but makes them go eww?
Buy it here.

16. This ‘Single Hoon Desperate Nahi’ t-shirt By ScoopWhoop Shop
If you have to say you’re cool, then, you’re not cool. The same rule is followed when a person says they aren’t desperate. But this shirt is cute.
Buy it here.

Love is a four letter word. So is shit, fuck and shop.
Love stinks.