We found a Reddit thread where men discussed things they hate because it turns them on. And the answers are funny, unique, and also absolutely mind-blowing.
1. “Prospect of sex after an argument. I can’t even argue properly sometimes because I get horny.” – brown_boys_fly
2. “A clean bed with new sheets.” – KKKHANNN
3. “Collar bones and thighs.” – Anonymouslasagna
4. “Vanilla sex.” – TheQuakeCityPortal
5. “When women act like brats.” – Upset-Finding-9465
6. “Being called ‘daddy’. I wish it didn’t get me going.” – Available-Travel-603
7. “Bumpy vehicle trips.” – jayson_b272
8. “Any kind of physical touch from a woman! Not that I hate it, just hard to hide what it does to me.” – thatzplumwild
9. “I don’t even like to admit this because it’s probably universally the biggest turnoff for people: But there is something oddly seductive about smoking.” – lineskicat14
10. “A women’s anger/rage. Weird enough.” – jackaloppindoppin
11. “Roller coasters.” – 72littleguy
12. “Getting scolded at. Like what, say that again, please.” – curly-hair07
13. “Bare feet with nice arches and clean pedicured toes.” – thecakeisdryy
14. “Cute ears. No idea why.” – JamesTheMannequin
To each their own, that’s all we have to say.