Today, we have compiled several experiences from people, who dated a person with a completely different personality type and the responses are quite interesting. Are you ready? Read on!
1. “Two people, who love each other and are capable of being selfless, can work whether they are the same personality type or not.”
2. “I have had problems with my ex-girlfriends in the past. I was constantly told that I was the problem in the relationship and that I needed to grow up, be a good boyfriend and make more time for my girlfriends. My two relationships went the exact same way. When seeing each other 3-4 times a week wasn’t enough, we moved in. And I hated it, so I broke it off. At the time, I thought something was wrong with me but now I realise that I am introverted and spending too much time with someone is bound to have negative consequences.”
3. “I’m an introvert and my partner is an extrovert. It was all good at the start. He is lovely and cares for me a lot, which is always good, but it is incredibly taxing being around him. He’s extremely energetic and a non-stop ball of pure energy and it makes me incredibly anxious sometimes. To be honest, we are very similar. In general, I used to see him very often. But now that we are both busy, we see each other less but he texts me, all the time, like all the time. So, honestly, I would rather see each other once a while a week and not text that much.”
4. “My ex would see me every day if she could and she would call me every day, as well. Most times, I would give in and see her, which ended up me sleeping over 4-5 nights a week. I pretty much lived with her. I didn’t get much time for myself and that took a big toll on me. I would not recommend it. Definitely don’t give in just to make them happy, if it’s going to make your life and well-being worse. All you can really do is explain your thoughts and feelings to them and hopefully, they understand and you can compromise on something so you both are happy.”
5. “I’m an introvert and I’m generally attracted to extroverts. I don’t know why but I feel more comfortable around them. So, I think it’s a good balance if they can respect your personal space and time.”
6. “An extrovert recharges by being near people. It does not mean that they need to talk all the time. My ex was an extrovert and we would chill together and she’d quietly do her things. Sometimes, she would interject but it was enjoyable and not an endless monologue.”
7. “My wife is very extroverted. She runs a softball team, has lots of friends and works two jobs because she can’t stand sitting around not being busy. It works for us. Neither of us is controlling. We are both happy to let the other one have a life outside of our marriage.”
8. “My partner is an extrovert. His ability to make friends and being so out there is what drew me to him. I loved watching him do his thing while making me feel special. There are some drawbacks but I think we have adjusted pretty well over the years.”
9. “Plus side, you get out more and have more fun, socially. The downside is that you are exhausted and always feel you are performing. The worst side is that an extrovert thinks that there is something wrong with you that needs to be fixed, instead of accepting you for who you are.”
10. “It’s more convenient than extroverts and introverts dating among themselves. Extroverts like to talk and introverts like to think. So, introverts are happy that extroverts keep the conversation alive and extroverts are happy that introverts don’t interrupt them. It’s important that the introvert listens to the extrovert and the extrovert takes pains to respect the introvert’s need for space to reflect and for alone time.”
11. “My wife is an extrovert. She loves any opportunity for social situations. I, on the other hand, do not. I’d prefer to stay at home. However, I recognise the benefits of socialising from time to time. She helps me with social situations and doesn’t leave me alone. We have lots of other compatible features though, which is how our relationship has always worked so well. We also communicate with each other a lot, which is very important in a relationship.”
12. “They sometimes make the best pair. An extrovert needs a viewer and listener whereas an introvert likes to listen and stay low-profiled. With a little bit of understanding and adjustment, their relationship can go long way.”
13. “Most of the time, these two can make the best couple there is because they’re like completely different. There are a lot of things which an introvert wishes he/she can do and only an extrovert can help achieve them and vice versa. I would love to date an extrovert as long as she respects my space.”
14. “It will be anything but boring. Yes, it will be alarming and frustrating at times but never boring. With time, you will be a little bit of an extrovert and your partner will be a little bit of an introvert. You just absorb each other’s traits and grow together. People believe that I am an extrovert and that sounds intimidating but it’s not.”
15. “I’ve dated extroverts and it has not worked out. I found them to be needy. They are high maintenance. They need to be going out on dates 3 or 4 times a week and want several phone calls and texts every day. I only need a date night once a week, and maybe a phone call another couple of times during the week. When we do go out, the date is fun and upbeat. I’m not shy or withdrawn. I like a good party as much as the next person. Just not every second day. The draining part is the quantity. If I go out 4 times a week, when do I get to just chill with a book or a hobby? I don’t. It’s party, party and party all the time with no break. I’m pretty low maintenance. I don’t want someone who says that I am their whole world. That’s a bit obsessive and clingy. I need to be me as a person in my own right, not just one half of a couple. I need the same in a partner. They need to be comfortable with themselves – and by themselves. I prefer quality, not quantity.”