The state of Tamil Nadu is currently witnessing political turmoil due to the tussle between the interim Chief Minister O Panneerselvam and new AIADMK chief Sasikala Natrajan. Social media has been full of opinions but one has stood out: that of legendary film star Kamal Haasan.
The superstar has been tweeting away about the ongoing political crisis.
Here’s what he tweeted first:
We’ve wasted our freedom years gambling our fanchise on wrong& corrupt politicians. Let’s stop blaming them Lets become incorruptable.
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) February 8, 2017
And then he tweeted this:
Don’t breakTN in2 a country. I promise, All India will fight 4TN in a civil war of Ahinsa.None might die but the ignorant will come alive
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) February 8, 2017
My account isn’t.hacked.Just coz I’m not saying expected things does”nt mean I’m bought or hacked. Agree to disagree.I like u, am my own man
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) February 8, 2017
He also asked fellow actor R Madhavan to talk about the crisis:
@ActorMadhavanplsTalk on crisis inTN.We have a voice with decible levels not conducive 2 bad politics U can also diagree.but do it loud pls
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) February 8, 2017
And needless to say, it left the Twitteratti confused:
@ikamalhaasan Am I the only one who is unable to understand the meaning of this tweet?
— Jineesh (@jineesh_blr) February 8, 2017
@ikamalhaasan @myvotetoday Sir,SouthIndian lang r difficult enough to understand,Now you r making even english lang difficult 2understand .
— Ravi Grover (@Ravigrover12) February 8, 2017
@ikamalhaasan You should keep a prize for the one who will decode this tweet and help the dying ignorants get a life !
— Vedant Kumar (@VedKr) February 8, 2017
@ikamalhaasan u will have to be COBB to do an INCEPTION if thats your plan sir.Who is talking about breaking India??You are definitely funny
— Debmalya (@debmalya_deb) February 8, 2017
@ikamalhaasan what do you mean? Looks like we need a Konaar Guide to understand your tweets. Be crisp and clear pls!
— Jaishree (@jciyer) February 8, 2017