Two senior BJP leaders on Friday were left embarrassed after they set Twitter abuzz with criticism by “wishing happiness” on the occasion of Good Friday, a day observed to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
The volley of criticism was directed at Union Culture Minister Mahesh Sharma and party leader Shahnawaz Hussain.
Mr Sharma later deleted his tweet.
“May you be blessed with goodness and prosperity. Happy #GoodFriday,” Mr Sharma had tweeted, while Mr Hussain said, “Warm Greetings on #GoodFriday to all of you!”
The irony of “greetings” on the solemn occasion was not lost on Twitterati who called for “classes” on how “not to wish” while a few pointed out that the tweets were in “bad taste”.
Mr Sharma later corrected his faux pas and tweeted,
I wish you all blessings of #GoodFriday as a dedication to the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ and to remember his noble and pious thoughts
— Dr. Mahesh Sharma (@dr_maheshsharma) March 25, 2016
BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain tweeted, “Warm Greetings on #GoodFriday to all of you!”. He later deleted his tweet but there were reactions.
Nawab Malik responded to Mr Hussain saying, “If you have not read the #Bible at least read the #Quran and you will know the meaning of #GoodFriday and Jesus.”
“@ShahnawazBJP Mr Husain today is the day Christ was crucified. It is a day of sadness. Your greetings are in very bad taste,” Vikram Batra tweeted.
Author Rana Safvi said wishing people on Good Friday was akin to saying “Happy Aashoor (Moharrum)”.
“Before Good Friday and 10th Moharrum can we have classes on how people should (not) wish their friends,” the author tweeted.
Embarrassing goofs by BJP Netas #GoodFriday. Desperate attempt to shed abhorred Hindutva image lands them Red faced.
— Maharashtra Congress (@mahcongress) March 26, 2016
@dr_maheshsharma u howl so much on culture makes it clear that fundamentals r hollow! Bk to school pls, get history lessons n then teach us!
— shyam agrawal (@shyag75) March 26, 2016
Why are people like Mahesh Sharma and Shahnawaz not aware of “Good Friday”
— Chandru (@ChandrusWeb) March 25, 2016
@dr_maheshsharma, @ShahnawazBJP #GoodFriday is observed as a day of prayers. We expected more awareness frm a doc and a culture minister.
— Shinoj KOSHY (@ShinojKoshy) March 26, 2016
@OfficeOfRG teaching BJPians what 2 say on #GoodFriday 😝 @maheshsharmaBJP @ShahnawazBJP @narendramodi @Pankaj_kapse
— Nasrul Hoda (@nasrulhoda73) March 25, 2016