The moment BJP leader and former cricketer announced his resignation from Rajya Sabha on Monday, many leaders from Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have been showing their heightened enthusiasm in welcoming his decision. And it has unleashed a volley of speculations ranging from his differences with the BJP to him being soon designated as AAP’s chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Punjab Polls.
Amid all the predictions and forecasts, here is Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia which has already said that Sidhu is now an Aam Aadmi Party member.
Well, here is the proof:
The Wikipedia entry comes as a surprise given the fact that neither AAP nor Sidhu himself has confirmed anything about joining the party as of now. There have been instances where the party had dropped such hints with none other than the supremo Arvind Kejriwal expressing his willingness to welcome Sidhu to join the party last year.