In the wake of the tragic terrorist attack in California, another major city London witnessed a shocking incident, as a 29-year-old went on a stabbing spree, severely injuring one person.
The incident, which took place on the tube station of an east London suburb called Leytonstone, shocked the world and solidarity for the victims was voice across the nation, and the social media went abuzz in the aftermath of this case as well, like many other terrorist attacks before.
Listen to the #VoiceOfLondon , #Leytonstone on looker tells terror attack knifeman: #YouAintNoMuslimBruv #solidarity
— B’s Blog (@WindsorFellow) December 6, 2015
But a phrase in the video by a bystander became a much needed and fitting reply to terrorism, as was twitterati welcomed it with a hashtag. The anonymous voice is heard in the footage saying, “you ain’t Muslim bruv”.
Shortly after this, #YouAintNoMuslimBruv took Twitter by storm, and people have been sharing their emotions delinking terror from religion through the hashtag which struck a chord.
“You’re not a Muslim, bruv. You’re an embarrassment.” Passerby gets the last ten years down in a sentence. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Matt Kelly (@mk1969) December 6, 2015
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv Powerful words spoken by someone who recognises Islam to be a peaceful religion
— Kat Edwards (@kittykatalena) December 6, 2015
Can we have a similar response in the US? #YouAintNoMuslimBruv is awesome and clear and to the point.
— Leslie Greening (@legreening) December 6, 2015
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv is my favorite hashtag this year. Put the bigotry aside and stop blaming an entire religion for the actions of a few.
— Malak Shafik (@MalakShafik) December 6, 2015
As a Christian, happy to see this trending. Islam deserves our respect; terrorists deserve our scorn. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Charles Clymer (@cmclymer) December 6, 2015
Londoners prove, once more, that they are Higher than Hate & Hypocrisy That they represent the best of Humanity #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Ozer Khalid (@OzerKhalid) December 6, 2015
If you wished to do something for Syrians, #charity was far more better than stabbing innocent people. #youaintmuslimbruv
— Tariq Osman (@TareqMO) December 7, 2015
To defeat extremism we must directly challenge their poisonous ideology #YouAintNoMuslimBruv
— Sadiq Khan MP (@SadiqKhan) December 6, 2015
Prominent personalities, common people along with British Muslims took the opportunity to counter both terrorism and Islamophobia in one go, as Britain clearly took the edge in the fight against hate.