A woman broke into high-security prison Tihar Jail, to meet her lover who is serving life imprisonment there. Her lover, Hemant Garg was the mastermind behind this plan. This plan was hatched through Superintendent of Prison No. 2 (where Garg is serving his sentence), Ram Mehar. According to sources, Garg worked as a computer operator in Mehar’s office and was even allowed to use the computer for personal use.
It is said that people do crazy things for love. This woman took a massive risk just for her lover, proving all really is fair in love and jailbreak.
A committee headed by Deputy Inspector General (Prisons), Rajesh Chopra has been formed to conduct a high-level inquiry into the matter. The committee will look into the “friendly relations” between the woman and Mehar, to figure out how this plan was executed. The team is also trying to figure out whether any confidential information related to the prison has been leaked from Mehar’s computer.
Director General of Prisons, Sandeep Goyal, told IANS,
It is a case of serious negligence. Once the investigation committee submits its report, it will be clear who is responsible for the negligence. Strict action will be taken against the person involved so that in future no one dares to breach its security