A day after the UP CM Akhilesh Yadav upstaged father and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav as the party President, the senior Yadav is all set to claim the ‘cycle’ symbol, which is the hallmark of SP, for his own faction, Times Of India reported.
After the split on Sunday, both the Akhilesh and Mulayam factions have claimed the Cycle symbol for their particular faction, each claiming theirs to be the true Samajwadi Party.
In fact, the matter will now be solved by the Election Commission. SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav has claimed that the cycle symbol is his signature.
Mulayam Singh is expected to attend a meeting with the EC on Monday afternoon, where he will be accompanied by brother Shivpal Yadav, and party leader Amar Singh, who is widely being blamed for the split in the family.
Ram Gopal Yadav, who had been expelled from SP by Mulayam Singh Yadav along with the CM on Saturday will be attending the meeting from the Akhilesh clan.
The SP cycle symbol is a well established brand in UP, and with the upcoming election around the corner, the ownership of the symbol has become an important issue.
The negotiations will not be limited to just the symbol, but also the party flag, the official building and other details.
Both parties are expected to furnish proof (video/documents/audio recordings) that allegedly prove the legitimacy or illegitimacy of either factions.
Feature Image Source: Reuters