On Thursday, a village in the Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh witnessed a merciless killing of a matured tigress by a group of local villagers. Pilibhit is around 240 kms away from Lucknow. 

A two-minute-long disturbing video of local villagers brutally trashing a 6-year-old tigress in Pilibhit Tiger Reserve has gone viral. 

According to NDTV, the mobile video was shot by a resident of the Mataina village, it picks up the background chatter of the villagers who claim that the tigress attacked and injured a villager the same morning. Some reports also say that the tigress injured 9 people.

According to more reports, an FIR was lodged against 31 (indentified) and 12 (unknown) by the foresters. The accused have been charged under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960.

The national animal was respectfully cremated after a postmortem. A veterinary doctor  who conducted the post mortem revealed: 

Most of her ribs were fractured and four of them had punctured the lungs. The bones of her legs were broken and the entire body was riddled with stab wounds made by spears and sharp object. 

Raja Mohan, the field director of Pilibhit Tiger Reserve claims that a team of forest officials reached the site within three hours of the attack but by that time the tigress was already limping back inside the forest and the officials tried their best to track her in order to provide medical aid but failed. 

Vaibhav Shrivastava, the District Magistrate will set an inquiry to judge whether the right measures were taken by the forest officials to ensure the injured tigress’s rescue. 

A forest team did reach the spot but by that time, the tigress was in so much pain that even an attempt to tranquilize her would have added to her plight. 

-Vaibhav Shrivastava