“How do you shampoo your hair?”
There can be many answers to this question, but none of them can possibly be this.

However, a Malaysian scarf ad, which was obviously designed to be a parody video, is getting a lot of hate from uninitiated viewers. The shampoo advertisement shows a Muslim woman applying shampoo with her hijab on.
In India, it’s become a favourite with many right-wing websites and individuals for ridiculing hijab and Muslim women.
However, what the viewers didn’t realise is that the advertisement was actually taking a dig at a 1990s Sunsilk advertisement. It’s a parody video.
The Malaysian scarf company, Escarves, along with the advertising agency, Mr The All Shared Production, decided to do a parody of the 90s advertisement. Titled Budak 90an Je Tahu Iklan-Iklan Macam Ni (Only ’90s Kids Will Understand This), the video recreates the ad where a woman imagines applying shampoo on her hair after meeting an attractive young man. However, at no point do we see the woman’s hair in the shampoo ad.
Here’s the old Sunsilk advertisement:
Clarifying the same, the founder of Escarves, Eyda Sukiman also posted on his Facebook profile that the video was indeed meant to be a parody and was not portraying “an orthodox picture”.

However, the ad continue to receive a lot of hate and ridicule, with social media users mocking Muslim women and hijab over it:
shampoo ad in a deeni country #Malaysia#retards
Yep, applying shampoo whilst still wearing a hijab pic.twitter.com/9lRg6IV5Ci— Gitanjali DS (@Gitanjali_DS) May 4, 2017
Shampoo ad in Islamic Malaysia.
It is a tight slap to Liberals who claim that #Malaysia practices moderate & “free” Islam ! pic.twitter.com/4X71i9Srct— ShankhNaad (@ShankhNaad) May 3, 2017
Sharia compliant ad of shampoo in Malaysia. Sharia prohibits display of tresses as it can arouse uncontrollable urge pic.twitter.com/AiMusAfNk7
— हम भारत के लोग (@India_Policy) May 4, 2017
Stupidist Shampoo advt. in Malaysia.. Stretching #Islam and Hijab so far that its become a joke!! pic.twitter.com/lkNsCPtvDc
— Rosy (@rose_k01) May 4, 2017
HELP: If you need to shampoo your hijab, does it mean you need to feed your burka ?
Asking for a friend, who’s intern at NDTV.. pic.twitter.com/hFOrGe38oI— Finger of India (@IndiaFinger) May 5, 2017
Finally the video for those who doubted: Malaysian shampoo advert with hijab on — via @ArifJamalUSA https://t.co/5wXRInIPVD
— Tufail Ahmad (@tufailelif) May 7, 2017
Shampoo ad should say: suitable for all types of hijab 😂pic.twitter.com/2zQLlmlEd6
— Khaleesi (@HappyHigh01) May 3, 2017
It is rude to make fun of girl. You fail to see that it’s a magical #Hijab. The shampoo penetrates to clean hair. https://t.co/P2ksrnvPwP
— Savio Rodrigues (@PrinceArihan) May 4, 2017
Can it get any more stupid? That’s a Muslamic advertisement of a shampoo from Malaysia.pic.twitter.com/Yz16p3ngRP
— Sonam Mahajan (@AsYouNotWish) May 3, 2017
(Feature image source: YouTube)