If following your dreams had a face then this would be it. Ravi Hongal, a man living in Belgaum, Karnataka is so obsessed and passionate about cameras and photography that he actually built himself a camera-shaped house.

Not just that, the 49-year-old photographer even named his three sons, Canon, Nikon and Epson after the famous camera brands. 

Naturally, the three-story house has garnered a lot of attention and has become the latest attraction in the city. 


Ravi has spent over £75,000 or 71,18,658.35 INR on the house. The exterior design of the house has a lens, a flash, a showreel, a memory card and a viewfinder whereas the interiors have ceilings and walls designed as various other parts of the camera. 

Well, talk about literally ‘living’ your dream.