Teachers of government schools in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh were on Monday instructed to serve food at a state-sponsored mass marriage against their will, reported The Times of India

Written orders were issued by District Education Officer (DEO) asking around 400 teachers to serve assigned food items at the Mukhya Mantri Kanyadan Yojna programme. 

b’The written order from DEO specified orders for teachers to serve food at the wedding. | Source : Mpenews’

The teachers, however, were let off their “duty” just before the arrival of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan after a brief protest. State’s school education minister Deepak Joshi has now sought a report from the district education officer (DEO), TOI reported

According to Free Press Journal, the written order specified tasks like who will serve puris and who will serve vegetables. While, few were marked for serving water, few were asked to place ‘pattals’ and ‘donas’ before the guests.

b’Teachers Anil Kumar Pandey and Ramakant Sharma (right), who were given the task of serving food at a mass marriage ceremony in Singrauli | Source: TOIxc2xa0′

“It felt as if we were waiters. It is against our dignity,” a teacher told TOI anonymously. Another teacher of primary school Balram Singh posted at the Mahuari Tola government primary school Singrauli said, “What can we do if there are orders and names in the list? We had no option but to comply with it. All our colleagues were there. This is the first time that we are asked to serve food during a function.”

(Feature image source: dprcg.gov.in)