Sudeeksha Bhati, a 20-year-old woman was killed in UP’s Bulandshahr, after she fell from the bike as her uncle, the person driving the vehicle, lost his balance.
He later claimed that the accident happened because a group of eve-teasers were troubling them.
Yesterday a very intelligent Girl who received scholarship worth Rs4crore was killed because 2 unknown person on bike chased her and eve teased her and passed comments because of that accident happened and girl died
— Vikas Bidhuri (@VikasbidhuriG) August 11, 2020
We should stand in support of her family #JusticeForSudeeksha
Since then, a lot has followed. The police has denied the claims of them being harassed, while ordering further probe. Meanwhile, the internet is demanding justice for Sudeeksha, a young prodigy who was studying in the US on full scholarship.
A unbelievable loss. She is very talented and happy soul who got gov schlorship wroth 3.8 crore for studiyng abroad looses life to eve teasing in bulandsahar. Hope police caugh the culprits
— suraj choudhary (@surajch98179496) August 11, 2020
RIP sudhiksha#JusticeForSudeeksha
Belonging to a poor family, Sudeeksha was a promising student as she had topped in her 12th exams from Bulandshahr and was studying in the US on a scholarship of Rs 3.80 crore.
— saksham katiyar (@saksham27593482) August 11, 2020
Yesterday, she died in a Road accident due to an evil act of Eve-teasers.#JusticeForSudeeksha
But who was Sudeeksha? Here, we have a look at the young prodigy’s life.
Sudeeksha, a former student of Vidya Gyan School, started by Shiv Nadar Foundation, scored 98 per cent in class 12 in the year 2018.
She got 100 in history and economics, while 99 in Geography.
Which is a big achievement in itself, but even more commendable, given her background.
The village she belonged to did not have many women going to school. She changed that, while also facing financial crisis to become the first member from her family to get higher education.
Her father was a tea-seller at the time and as per reports, once had to see his daughter being asked to leave by a private school because he couldn’t pay the fee.
Sudeeksha, however, was determined to achieve big things. She put her heart into her education at Vidya Gyan School, and didn’t just emerge as the district topper but also got a scholarship of whopping ₹3.8 crores in the US.
It was for a 4-year entrepreneurship course at the Babson College in Massachusetts.
This was in the year 2018. In 2020, Sudeeksha had to return to her home because of the pandemic and it proved to be her last journey.
Reportedly, she was supposed to go back to the US next month, but the accident claimed her life before that.
Listen to Sudeeksha Bhati speaking at Graduation day at her alma-mater in Bulandshahar in 2018. Highly meritorious girl, had received full scholarship from a US college. Died in a road accident in Bulandshahr. Family claims she was harassed by two men on bullet.
— Piyush Rai (@Benarasiyaa) August 11, 2020
We don’t know what all Sudeeksha would have done if she got a chance to live a full life. We don’t know how many lives she would have touched.
A strong supporter of women’s education, maybe she would have transformed things for better, giving wings to the dreams of countless women.
She could have become an entrepreneur, a businesswoman, a CEO. An inspiration already, Sudeeksha could have created an even bigger legacy for people to follow and put India on the world map.
However, that could not happen.
Further investigation will hopefully tell how the events unfolded on that fateful day and Sudeeksha will get justice.
May her soul rest in peace.