In an unusual event in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad, all the speed bumps of a posh area were painted with saffron colour during the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday, leaving the residents puzzled, a report in The Indian Express says.
However, the officials were quick to realize their mistake and planned to start work on painting the speed bumps yellow, as directed by the government norms, the report adds.
The surprising change was noticed by the residents of Satellite area in Ahmedabad on Tuesday morning.
According to the government norms, speed breakers should be either coloured in black, white or yellow. Saffron colour doesn’t reflect in dark and hence not used.
While police feigned ignorance about the matter, the matter was brought under the notice of the Road and Building Department of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC).
A traffic policeman said told the newspaper
“Black-yellow is the most scientific combination. Yellow denotes danger. In fact, yellow is more visible, but saffron is against the code of road marking,”
A senior official of the engineering department also acknowledged the error on their part.
The renovation work on the road is a part of Rs 2.84 crore project being undertaken on 14 roads in six zones.
Feature image source: Twitter/Representational Image