It’s a fact that people, especially women, are commiting suicide in various parts of the country after getting raped and abused. Just last week, a 21 year-old woman committed suicide when she found that after posting her videos online, one accused even sold her nude pictures to local residents at Rs. 3 per print. In the name of business and money making, some groups of people have now started selling actual rape videos and sadly, there are buyers available for this heinous crime.
In Uttar Pradesh, rape videos are being openly sold in various shops. Depending on their ‘exclusivity’, these are priced from Rs. 50 to 150.

A shopkeeper belonging to Agra’s Kasganj market said to The Times of India –
“Porn is passe. These real life crimes are the rage. Dealers will download videos directly into your smart phone or put them in your pen drive. It is a matter of time before they go viral.”
In one such frightening clip, two men have forcefully pinned down a young girl while her boyfriend is getting beaten up. A senior cop revealed that most of the times rapists record such horrifying videos for blackmailing the victims to stop them from reporting the crime to the police or convincing them for further submission. He further added-
“A threat to post the rape online is very potent.”

The police of these infected areas are trying their best to curb the situation. However, the sources say that it is almost impossible to achieve this. Ghule Sushil Chandrabhan, SP city Agra, told The Times of India –
“In the past we have conducted raids at Tajganj and Sadar areas and arrested one for selling explicit videos and pirated films. We will continue to raid such places.”
It is really sad that there’s an actual market for such a thing. The police surely needs to up their game and crack down on anyone selling these videos.