IPS officer Pakaj Nain shared a video on his Twitter handle recently, which shows a pollution control van, possibly going for an inspection, emitting smoke on the way.
*Irony, can you breathe?*
While the video doesn’t mention more details, the text on top of the car says that it belongs to the Rajasthan government for ‘pradyushan jaanch kendra’.
Even the person making the video says:
Pradyushan jaanch kendra…ab ye khud ki jaanch karegi.
Which translates to: Pollution inspection center…now the vehicle will have to inspect itself.
It happens only in India 🤔🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/h37KHuMZmQ
— Pankaj Nain IPS (@ipspankajnain) March 12, 2020
People on Twitter also found it extremely amusing and here are some of their reactions.
— Jyoti Sharma (@JyotiSh50792201) March 12, 2020
Haha epic 🤣🤣🤣
— DimDew (@dimpy_dewan) March 12, 2020
— Minakshi Shukla🇮🇳 (@minakshishukla0) March 12, 2020
Crazy country we live in lol
— SHABLAH (@sha_blah) March 12, 2020
🤥This driver doesn't believe in what he preaches
— Ali Reza (@Reza_Ali20) March 12, 2020