A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi condemned the ‘Gau-Rakshaks’ by calling them as ‘anti-social’ elements who are running ‘shops’ in the name of cow protection, an FIR has been lodged against Gau Raksha Dal chief Satish Kumar in Punjab.
On Sunday, the Rajpura police registered an FIR against Gau Raksha Dal chief Satish Kumar. Two others Annu and Gurpreet were also named in the FIR, reports The Tribune.
This strangely enough is in connection with a past case of assault which the police already had footage of. The group has been posting videos of assault on YouTube for years and it’s not clear whether any action had been taken against them in the past.
Patiala SSP Gurmeet Chauhan told the newspaper that they were checking the authenticity of the video footage that showed activists brutally assaulting people.
Chauhan added that the organisation had gained notoriety for posting online videos online of its vigilante-style attacks on trucks “carrying cattle for slaughter.”
A few days ago while speaking to India Today, Satish had said he doesn’t mind being called a goon, who heads the self-appointed vigilante group.
“I don’t mind if someone calls me a goon for saving the cow. If someone who saves the cow is labelled a goon, I’ll be proud to become the country’s biggest goon,” said Satish.
Here is a video posted by Gau Raksha Dal: