A video of a cop from Pune, singing Tera Ban Janunga from the film Kabir Singh, has taken the internet by storm with his melodious voice. 


Sagar Ghorpade, who has over 40k subscribers on Youtube, wore his official uniform and recorded the song in a professional studio setting. His phenomenal voice and his talent has made him a social media star. 

He shared the video on his personal Youtube channel and since then, it has garnered more than 74,000 likes and over 8.5 lakh views and counting. His delightful voice has left lakhs impressed and the internet also agrees with them. Here’s what they had to say:


On his personal Youtube channel, Ghorpade has posted 5 cover songs in total but he already has over 40k subscribers. So by the looks of it, he already has a legit fan base and we are impressed. 

What about you?