Hey, before you hate us for putting India in the headline, let us tell you something. Almost 50% of Indian schoolboys and 30% girls admit to watching porn in India. True story, from the internet age.
Now on to the real scoop here. According to mastermind Google, our not-so-friendly neighbour Pakistan tops the list of pornography searching countries in the world.
While that is rather interesting, you’ll be more interested in knowing the popular search content there. Pigs, donkeys, cats, dogs, snakes… No this isn’t some strange Orwellian Animal Farm re-visitation. It’s good old porn, we’re talking of.
Interestingly, this PEW research survey concludes that Pakistan is one of the most homophobic nations in the world, (only 2% view homosexuality favourably, but we don’t know how valid this is) the porn habits suggest otherwise.
“Pakistan is by volume the world leader for Google searches of the terms ‘shemale sex’ ‘teen anal sex,’ and ‘man fucking man,’ according to Google Trends. Pakistan also ranks second in the world (after similarly gay-intolerant Kenya) for volume of searches for the search term ‘gay sex pics’,” reads an article on Mother Jones .
Now, it is very easy for us Indians to point and laugh. Let’s not, shall we? Because, if anything, the numbers suggest that porn habits have much to do with how repressed society is.
And we aren’t the most progressive either. If this helps you, Pakistan, good on you.