Meet Trinamool Congress representatives, Mimi Chakraborty and Nusrat Jahan, the actors-turned-MPs, who won from Jadavpur and Basirhat constituencies in West Bengal, respectively.
Mimi uploaded pictures on Twitter, celebrating their first day at the Parliament.
And its us again
— Mimssi (@mimichakraborty) May 27, 2019
1st day at Parliament @nusratchirps
Considering that our country has absolutely no pressing matters to voice as of now, some people took to Twitter to comment on their clothes.
This is exactly how a newly elected MP should NOT behave infront of the parliament. @mimichakraborty , you are a disgrace to the exalted office that you’ve been elected to. We hope you take note of the seriousness & start acting like an MP.
— Ujjwal Pareek (@ujjwalpareek) May 27, 2019
The parliament house is not a place for photoshoot. Concentrate on your work
— khounish Mazumder (@Khounishmaz) May 28, 2019
See the difference
— Ashish Merkhed (@AshishMerkhed) May 27, 2019
Photo 1 : @BJP4India Young Dynamic MP @Tejasvi_Surya
Photo 2 : @AITCofficial Newly Elected MP in LokSabha Mimi Chakraborty and Nusrat Jahan.
I can guarantee that these two actors will barely attend Parliament let alone raise any issue or participate in any debate..
— Vish (@vishy_g) May 28, 2019
They r just there to do modeling in front of Parliament house..
How do I unsee this ? She won s seat in Parliament, hails from Bengal, and surely has mistaken the place for Calcutta’s Nicco Park or City Centre.
— Saurav Datta (@SauravDatta29) May 28, 2019
Mimi and Nusrat have been subjected to ridicule and jibes, following the announcement of their candidacy. Some even reposted their TikTok videos with the objective to pull them down.
Wow Wow Wow!!! New MPs from Bengal.. Mimi Chakraborty & Nusrat Jahaan_India is really really progressing’s a welcome relief to see MP’s who are so easy on the eye 🙏🙏🙏
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) May 26, 2019
Sexist digs at Indian women in politics is no news. From Priyanka Gandhi to Smriti Irani, women are subjected to crass comments- dissecting their choice of clothes, their previous careers, and what not.
Their appearances take the center of the stage and their work is relegated to the margins.
And this is when almost 50% of the MPs, this time, have criminal backgrounds. But, ‘western clothes’ demand our immediate attention. Duh.
The problem lies on the crossroads of two issues- sexism in Indian politics and the tendency to blame ‘westernisation’ for anything and everything. The latter constitutes a go-to digressive tactic to dismiss an issue at hand.
Thankfully, some netizens understood the sheer uselessness of this regressive criticism and called out the trolls.
Slow clap for those who thought @mimichakraborty n @nusratchirps were wrong in posting photos but were okay with selfies posted by Tejasvi Surya and Ravi Kishan inside the Parliament.
— Shomini Sen (@shominisen) May 29, 2019
My piece on the sexism that they are being subjected to.
Even I just can’t unsee this.
— Yashwant Deshmukh 🇮🇳 (@YRDeshmukh) May 28, 2019
Absolutely classy, adorable, fresh, young, dynamic next-gen leadership that India has got.
She represents her generation. And she must wear this identity proudly on her sleeves.
Our parliament does not have any dress code, so why are we so bothered about what one wear?Let us focus on the role they are playing.the work they are doing
— Kankana Das (@kankanadas121) May 28, 2019
The trolling shows how much have we actually progressed.
— Rajat Mittal (@iRajatM) May 28, 2019
Why ever not? MPs should only be sari clad women, or portly pompous men in khadi kurtas? Why shame women MPs for their clothes?! Critique their politics alone, please.
— Kavita Krishnan (@kavita_krishnan) May 29, 2019
Now, can we, for once, judge women by the work that they do?