Suresh Bijlani, a murder accused, was granted permission by the Thane session court to visit his residence for three working days to deposit demonetised notes in his bank account. He had sought permission to manage his finances before the December-end deadline, reports The Times of India. 

Bijalani had applied for the bail last week on the grounds that he wanted to visit various banks to deposit old currency notes and complete other finance-related formalities. While he was not granted bail, the court granted him permission to visit his residence and banks for three working days. 

b’People queued up at banks to deposit demonetised notes before December-end deadline/ Source: PTI’

He will be escorted by police officials during his visit to various banks. 

The additional sessions judge’s order stated that Bijlani will be allowed to visit his house and Saraswati Bank’s Vashi branch, HSBC’s Kurla and Chembur branches  for three working days -December 20, 21 and 22. 

The order also stated that Bijlani shall bear the expense of the police squad as necessary and shall not commit any other offence. 

(Feature image source: Reuters/ PTI)