The coronavirus pandemic has been harsh on everyone. Especially, the frontline workers who are putting their lives at risk, every moment.
Like this ambulance driver from Mumbai who is working tirelessly to save lives during the crisis.

He is Izhaar Hussain Shaikh.
And in the current situation, his job sometimes requires him to work on shifts stretching as long as 16 hours.

At a time when every helping hand counts, Shaikh has proved to be a lifesaver for many, despite all risks. Speaking to AP, he said:
My family, neighbours, everyone is scared. I am frightened too. But I keep telling them and myself that it’s our way of helping people during this time.

There have been several reports regarding scarcity of beds in hospitals of Mumbai and Delhi for Covid patients. Shaikh also talked about such incidents when he had to either wait outside hopsitals for hours or drive from one hospital to another to get patients admitted.
There have been instances when the patient just doesn’t survive the long waiting hours. Driving a patient who was alive to the hospital and then driving the same patient a few hours later to his burial or cremation is the hardest part.

In darkness comes hope and light. And Shaikh has also seen some good days amid the outbreak.
And it is this hope for good days that keeps him going tirelessly every day.
You can read the complete photo story here.