The heated three-day bidding war for PM Modi’s outrageous monogrammed suit came to a close on February 20. While NaMo became the subject of harsh criticism for wearing the bandhgala, construed as a symbol of extravagance and ‘narcissism’, it turned out that the same suit had quite a few fans. Diamond merchant, Hitesh Laljibhai Patel, included.

He is now the proud owner of the tailored navy suit, after he placed a bid of a whopping Rs. 4.31 crores!

Source: India Today

Bhavnagar-based diamond trader and shipbreaker Mukesh Patel came in at a close second when he offered to cough up Rs. 2.95 crore . It is also interesting to note that the initial bid for the suit was a measly Rs. 51 lakhs.

Take that, haters!


The suit was one of 455 personal items, belonging to the PM, put up for auction at Surat’s Science Museum. The proceeds from the auction will go towards the ambitious ‘Clean Ganga Mission’.

And Hitesh Laljibhai Patel has certainly done his bit to clean up the Ganga!

(You can read the full report and all about the crazy bids here .)