In a hilarious episode, BJP MLA Narendra Mehta’s wife rammed her saffron colour Lamborghini into an auto-rickshaw right outside her Seven Eleven Academy in Mira-Bhayander of Thane district. 

The crazy part – The accident occurred just 30 minutes after she bought the luxury sports car, reports NDTV.

Mehta gifted his wife, Suman, the Rs 5.5 crore car on August 27 on the occasion of her birthday. The car reportedly carried a temporary sticker and wasn’t even registered with RTO, Thane. 

According to the Hindustan Times report, Suman rammed the car into a stationary auto after losing control of the wheel. The furious auto driver was compensated by Mehta immediately. 


The footage of the entire accident was captured on mobile phone and it quickly went viral:

In a statement to HT, the MLA claimed that the issue is not as big as the social media is making it. He also claimed that his wife has 18 years of driving experience and has driven imported cars like Audi in the past.

(Feature image source: Twitter/@htTweets