No matter how much our society tries to divide us in the name of religion, instances of humanity and kindness always find a way to unite us.
Muslim man Bababhai Pathan, from Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, has adopted two orphan sisters & wedded them from his own expenses according to the Hindu rituals. He has been widely praised for his humanitarian work across the country.
— Aarif Shah (@aarifshaah) August 23, 2020
Pathan adopted two orphaned Hindu sisters, took care of them and when it was time, he wedded them from his own expenses and savings.

Furthermore, he respected the sister’s religious beliefs and as a Muslim man, carried out all the Hindu rituals that were needed for the ceremonies.

Netizens are lauding Bababhai Pathan’s humanitarian gestures and his ability to respect and coexist with beliefs of another religion:
this is being real Indian….this is what Indian culture teaches people..🥰
— Mitesh Boral (@BoralMitesh) August 23, 2020
This is the true secular nation spirit.
— Mauni Upadhyay (@UpadhyayMauni) August 23, 2020
Keep it up 👍
Highly appreciable.This is how we need inculcate humanity and do good deeds for fellow humans irrespective of any religion.
— Geeta. (@geeta1705) August 23, 2020
1 in a million of the majority of minority of India
— Tharki chachcha (@DBachcha) August 23, 2020
Great hero
— Rasmikanta mohanty (@Rasmikantamoha3) August 23, 2020
Sadly, there are only few such person right now in India.
— ऋषिकेश (@ur_apna_ricky) August 23, 2020
This is called humanity @deepscribble
— Mainak Das (@MainakRiki) August 23, 2020
Heart touching
— Pradeep kumar mishra (@Pradeepdipu350) August 23, 2020
This Cordiality is what is needed in dire in India though it’s very very rare.
— Sandeep Kumar Bohra 👁️🗨️ (@Sandeepkbohra) August 23, 2020
This is what a real musalman will do . Salute 🙏
— Manoj (@manoj25471) August 23, 2020
These heartwarming pictures speak volumes.