After the announcment of the 21-day lockdown in India, law enforcements are leaving no stone unturned to make sure people are staying indoors and following the protocol.

Local authorities are also quite active on Twitter. They are replying to important queries regarding the lockdown. In fact, a Twitter user, named Deepak, posed an interesting question to the Delhi Police to which they had an epic reply to give. 

Here’s Deepak’s tweet:

In his tweet, Deepak asks if he could go out and visit his friend, who lives 2 kms away, for some urgent work. 

Soon after seeing Deepak’s tweet, the Delhi Police came up with a savage reply that is winning the internet’s heart. Check it out. 

The Delhi Police replied saying “if you are a true friend stay at home, do a video call.” 

And within minutes, their tweet garnered several likes and reactions on Twitter. 

Guys, please follow the rules. Stay indoors. 

If you too have any queries, use #Lockdownquery on Twitter and tag the local police.