An SUV was attacked by two lions in Karnataka’s Bannerghatta Biological Park on Monday. This is the second such incident, with another such attack reported last week.
The vehicle was not the usual bus which is generally used for safari rides, but a Toyota Innova that was used as a luxury vehicle for the park visitors who pay higher fares.
The video of a lion attacking one car while another tried to cross its was telecast by some TV channels on Tuesday.
Santosh Kumar, executive director of the national park, held the the SUV driver responsible for the incident and claimed that he stopped the car despite it being against the rules. The driver has been removed from safari duty, report The Times of India.
According to report in Deccan Herald, the same driver was driving the car on September 6, 2016, when a 6-year-old lion pounced on the vehicle. An official also alleged that some drivers provoke the animals to impress tourists and earn extra cash.
In order to ensure security of visitors, a proposal asking the removal of smaller vehicles will be sent to state government.