Malik Ishaq, head of banned sectarian outfit Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, has been killed in a shootout with the police in Pakistan. 14 others including his two sons and 6 police personnel have also been reportedly killed in the encounter which took place in Muzaffargarh district of Punjab.

92 news

The terrorist overlord was the co-founder of the outfit which is responsible for carrying numerous attacks on Shia community in Pakistan. Ishaq masterminded the killings of hundreds of Shia Muslims, mostly in Quetta and the north-west frontier province. He was imprisoned for 14 years before being released in 2011.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi had claimed responsibility for the 2013 bomb blasts in Quetta which killed over 100 Shia Hazaras and another one a month later killing 80.


LeJ, an outfit linked to Al-Qaeda, is reportedly developing connections with the ISIS. The massacre of Ismaily Muslims in Karachi was also connected to LeJ, which is one among many groups operational in Pakistan.

While the Pakistani government is eliminating extremists plaguing its own society, hopefully it will also pay attention to other groups like Lashkar-e-Toiba.

the commentator

One among many faces of terror is dead, hopefully the idea will be eliminated too.