Seven weeks after a girl student accused him of raping her, an absconding Assistant Professor of a reputed Kolkata film school was finally arrested by police on Tuesday evening in Maharashtra’s Thane. 

A complaint of rape against Neeraj Mohan Sahay, who taught at Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI), was filed by a student with Kolkata police on December 24. Sahay went missing after that. Earlier, an internal inquiry had led to the suspension of the professor. 

b’Representational Image | xc2xa0Source: Reuters’

According to a report in Times of India, the police said the professor shuttled between three different states and even changed his mobile phones constantly in order to escape getting arrested. However, the police finally got hold of him after a tip off about his location from a source. 

Efforts are on to shift the accused to Kolkata for further investigations. 

NDTV reported that more girls have come forward with complaints of sexual abuse on the campus, after the alleged victim lodged her complaint with the authorities. 

In December last year, three faculty members of the institute were put under suspension following complaints of sexual harassment against them.

Feature image source: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute Website