Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is no stranger to going after the media. He’s done it in the past by saying that channels were ‘sold out’ to the BJP and has questioned the media’s impartiality.
But this time the Delhi chief minister has been questioning perhaps India’s most popular English news anchor, Arnab Goswami, accusing him of being biased towards Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.
The allegation comes even as the AAP has levelled allegations of corruption against the Finance Minister.
Here’s what Kejriwal tweeted:
Arnab ought to answer this. What is Arnab’s relationship wid Jaitley ji?
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) December 18, 2015
But it’s not just Kejriwal. The party has also been taking a rather hostile stand against the anchor with even deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia making references to the Times Now anchor:
तो अब महान पत्रकार(?) उवाचेंगे कि देश के लिए खेलने वाले कीर्ति आज़ाद भी अब एक ‘भ्रष्ट बाबू’ के लिए खेल रहे हैं!
— Manish Sisodia (@msisodia) December 17, 2015
Kejriwal and the AAP were earlier boycotting Times Now debates, but the party and the channel have since made up. Spokspersons of the party now routinely appear on the show.
However, when party spokesperson Ashish Khetan appeared on the anchors show on Wednesday and Thursday he was also pretty aggressive towards the anchor alleging that he was not being allowed to make a point.
Here’s the debate where you can see the AAP spokesperson’s criticism of the anchor in the first part of the debate:
The party seems to be taking no prisoners as it goes all out against the Finance Minister after the CBI raid on the the Delhi government’s principal secretary’s office. And given the not-so-friendly relationship they have shared with Goswami in the past, things may not get any easier for the anchor in the coming days.
Featured image: PTI