A forest department personnel, Dimbeswar Das, working in Kaziranga National Park has been recognised as the ‘Earth Hero 2019’ under the category of ‘Green Warrior’ by Royal Bank of Scotland.

Indian Express

According to a report by Indian Express, Das who is currently serving as Forest Guard the Kaziranga National Park, was chosen for the award for his exceptionally dedicated services towards conservation and protection of wild species of animals in Kaziranga since last 30 years.


Das joined the national park in 1987 as a boatman when he was just 23 years old. Over the years, he got promoted as a Forest Guard and is well-known for his exceptional skills of catching poachers and hunters.

He has been a part of several operations to catch the poachers. In conversation with Indian Express, he talked about how he has been at the receiving end of threats since 2013.

I have been deputed to the interiors of the Park, densely forested and out of bounds for tourists. But it was only then, when the poachers threatened me, that I felt that my and my family’s life was in danger.

Life of the staff at the Kaziranga National Park is very difficult. They have to camp in the remotest parts of the park for months.

Talking about the job of the staff at the national park, he said:

Trust me, no one works as hard as the Kaziranga guards. If we didn’t work, the rhinos wouldn’t be alive. You need to be alert 24/7, during the annual floods, ever more so.

Das, who was awarded for his commitment towards saving rhinos, is fondly known as ‘The Wall’ among his colleagues and locals.

Our planet needs heroes like him who can offer their services with dedication and selflessness.