Manoj Sengar, now also known as “Bappi Lahiri of UP” has made a 5 Lakh golden mask for him. Yes, you heard it right. Let’s find out how Golden baba will fight coronavirus wearing this golden mask. 


Golden baba has a passion for gold like Bappi Lehri. He told Times now news, “The mask has a sanitizer solution inside it which will work for 36 months. He has named it the ‘Shiv Sharan mask”.

Apart from all the valuable possessions he wears, he also has a conch shell, fish, and Lord Hanuman’s locket which is all made from gold. “He reasons, “2nd COVID wave has been deadly. Many aren’t wearing masks properly. This mask is triple coated, sanitized, and can sustain for 3 years.”  


“I take all precautions and I have two armed bodyguards to protect me all the time,” he told Timesnow news. Take a look at Twitter’s reaction to Golden Baba of Kanpur.

We hope he is vaccinated.