External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Iran on Friday and Saturday, during which she met top Iranian government representatives. But a photo of the meeting that her ministry uploaded on Twitter has created a massive storm.
Before you see the photo in question, a look at how the visit unfolded:
A confident and beaming Swaraj leaves for the diplomatic tour
Delhi: EAM Sushma Swaraj leaves for Iran and Russia pic.twitter.com/WbRAgndf4d
— ANI (@ANI_news) April 16, 2016
She lands in Iran’s capital Tehran on Friday
In Tehran – pic.twitter.com/jZSA01zms4
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) April 16, 2016
She is greeted by officials
Grievances of Indian community to be taken up with #Iran says @SushmaSwaraj https://t.co/GmfCaXqiFv pic.twitter.com/tqJadV8H7A
— The Hindu (@the_hindu) April 17, 2016
She meets her Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif and Irani President Hassan Rouhan. And thenall hell breaks loose
With HE President Hassan Rouhani. pic.twitter.com/Rhbk0iqLgK
— Sushma Swaraj (@SushmaSwaraj) April 17, 2016
This photo of Swaraj, her head covered, almost instantly attracted strong, angry reactions. From her earlier images, it appears that Swaraj had wrapped a pink shawl over her head, but people decided it was a rida – a coloured hijab – that she was wearing.
Some Twitterati were completely unforgiving and slammed Swaraj
@SushmaSwaraj and we trust these people with Uniform Civil Code. It’s shame madam hope you will throw it down in persian gulf
— दंगाईअसहिष्णुदेशभक्त (@excise3) April 17, 2016
@excise3 @CongressFans @SushmaSwaraj is this Muslim appeasement? Will she wear Kimono in Japan n front slit gown in France? Pant suit in USA
— Anthony Saldanha (@AnthonySald) April 17, 2016
@goyalsanjeev @SushmaSwaraj @Ayaan @upma23 @tufailelif @mediacrooks what is there to thank? MEA forgot Indian culture on foreign soil
— Kailash Wagh (@kailashwg) April 17, 2016
agree with @suhasinih – https://t.co/L12iGs1zKx
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) April 18, 2016
Others pointed out it might not be a hijab in the first place
She’s wearing Sari, and that’s a shawl, not Hijab as people are wrongly commenting. https://t.co/QrW2X9Ks7v
— Janhavee Moole (@janhavee) April 17, 2016
She is wearing a saree only..
Only has covered her head.. Not wearing hijab.. @Moskvaa @SushmaSwaraj https://t.co/4PJEnCzDC2— मार्ग-दर्शक ट्वीटर (@tweetw_ala) April 17, 2016
@Moskvaa @HappyHigh01 @SushmaSwaraj it’s not a hijab. Look at her next pic. Why would she wears hijab in Moscow? Might be a matching shawl
— Mohit Sharma (@Matsharma) April 17, 2016
But others rightly pointed out that the minister was just respecting local culture
Tamasha over @SushmaSwaraj dress in Iran shows how juvenile our discourse has become. Perfectly fine respecting local culture, sensitivities
— Shekhar Gupta (@ShekharGupta) April 18, 2016
Those who have problem with @SushmaSwaraj wearing hijab in Iran forget the old Indian saying, “Jaisa desh, waisa bhesh”
— कुमार आदित्य (@thekumaraditya) April 18, 2016
We’re not there to reform Iran. We’re there to pursue our own interests. Which is more important for us? #DUH https://t.co/JZ5cPEtgY6
— Rupa Subramanya (@rupasubramanya) April 18, 2016