Aakash Neeraj Mittal got his name etched in the history for the best resume ever. A few days ago his unorthodox, unconventional resume went viral on the internet, after he took a screenshot of a product listing on Flipkart, and with the tools of Photoshop, created a product listing kind of a resume of himself, and uploaded it on Flipkart’s career page.
And we must say, it was a brilliant idea!
Flipkart sure noticed it, and so did many other companies, including several startups. And since then, this 6-pointer IIT-ian has been receiving a plethora of concrete job offers, including that of chief product manager and chief technology manager.
Currently in his final semester of Ocean Engineering Programme at IIT Kharagpur, he is reviewing all the job offers and will take up the best from the lot. However, he wishes that Flipkart would appreciate his efforts and creativity.
Well we are happy for Aakash, his creativity really paid off. But Flipkart is still keeping mum, we wonder why!
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