In a series of strange incidents involving Indian Air Force, an IAF fighter jet accidentally dropped five bombs in Gugdi town of Rajasthan’s Barmer district on Tuesday sending the waves of loud explosion over a 10 kilometer radius of the area and triggering panic among locals, ANI reports.
No casualties have been reported.
Five bombs accidentally drop from of a fighter plane over Gugdi (Barmer, Rajasthan); explosion heard in 10 km radius. No casualties.
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 26, 2016
#SpotVisuals Five bombs accidentally drop from a fighter plane over Gugdi (Barmer, Rajasthan). No casualties.
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 26, 2016
In an another equally bizarre incident of air operation, an IAF radar tracked an unidentified balloon-shaped object floating over the district, not very far away from Pakistani border in Rajasthan’s Barmer, prompting the IAF to send a fighter jet to intercept it and bring down the unidentified object, The Indian Express reports.
It is unknown whether both incidents are related.
India is celebrating 67th Republic Day today amid high security and surveillance.
(With inputs from ANI)
Feature image source: PTI