After two years of speculation and denials, Hillary Clinton announced on April 12, that she would be contesting for the presidency. “Everyday Americans need a champion. And I want to be that champion”, said Mrs. Clinton, in a two minute video announcing her candidacy.
The announcement kicks off what has been considered the least contested primary, without an incumbent, for the Democratic nomination in recent history. The American system allows for internal elections within the party. Any individual has the right to stand for this primary election, upon which the Democratic caucus – a meeting of supporters or members of a political party – elect their preferred candidate for the presidential election. He/She then becomes the Democratic nominee.
This is the second time Mrs. Clinton is a candidate for the Democratic nomination. In 2008, she was the early front-runner, but ended up in a long and expensive battle with Barack Obama.
This could be the first time in history that a woman has won the nomination from a major party. And for all you know, this could be the first time the United States has a female commander-in-chief.
Riding the popularity wave
Regardless of the outcome, this is another feather for Clinton’s hat. She is a public figure who has captured the country’s interest since her husband first declared his intention to be president in 1991. She is the only first lady to be elected to the US Senate, and an extremely successful diplomat. She surprised her party by serving as Secretary of State, under the president who defeated her.
She embarks on this campaign, with universal name recognition and a strong base of support, particularly from women. Not to mention, the massive funding she is receiving, of which much of the enthusiasm is tied to the chance of putting the first woman in the White House. It also comes from Democrats’ desperation to retain control of the White House, after losing the House and Senate to the Republicans.
The video released along with her candidacy announcement , carries in the first 90 seconds images of families telling personal stories of starting something new. Clinton then makes an appearance and says, “I’m getting ready to do something too. I’m running for president”.
The video features a black couple expecting a child, a young Asian-American woman, and two men who want to get married, clearly appealing to the young and diverse American population. Other issues Clinton plans to address are pay inequality, paid family leave for women, higher minimum wage and affordable child care.